Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Stay 'N' Touch

Hey! You All. What's up? If you're following me on any social media site, I love U! and THANKS. You must care enough about me to keep on following, so make sure U keep giving your opinion; I'm sure it will help some one.

I have a problem!

If any of my TRUE followers who  use social media like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are following me, U  just may know that I have a criminal background. (I really hate the way that sounds) but, I am a convicted felon.

 I want to set the record straight that I never hurt anyone but myself! Now that I am older and have turned my life around, and have even come really close to getting my second degree; it doesn't matter to employers.This is where the problem needs to be addresed.

Lately, I've heard talk of some organizations  fighting to get the question of being convicted of a felony off the application for employment.

  Personally, I think this problem needs to be addressed in Congress. I love President Obama, and I know that he would agree that felonies need to be classified and tiered into levels which would let employers know the severity of that individual crime.

  I never been to prison, but I was convicted of posessing a contolled substance in 1998, and did 5 month in the county jail. This type of a crime is classified as a felony; but should not keep me from being able to work for certain companies.

Did the government classify certain crimes (drugs abuse/possession) as felonies because they knew it would effect mminorities who are subjected to such  lifestyles? 

Does anyone have any information to share that might help some one else who may be experienceing the same problem?

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